
Transition to green steel production

Coils rollen über eine Wiese

EMW supplies available grades and coatings for CO2 reduced steels

There’s no escaping the fact that the steel industry is responsible for almost 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. The reason is that iron ore must first be heated in blast furnaces, using huge amounts of energy, in order to obtain the basic material for steel production - pure iron. For this purpose, coal is used extensively and the chemical reaction in the blast furnace releases CO2.

Research into new production methods is being carried out at full speed and with some success. Initial results for the replacement of coal with hydrogen are promising, as this would only release water vapour instead of CO2. There are already concrete plans for the construction and creation of the necessary technical facilities and infrastructure.

But that doesn’t mean there’s no reason to start saving CO2 now. Manufacturers are already reducing coal consumption significantly by using alternative technical solutions or by increasing their use of steel scrap. The first steel grades produced in CO2-reduced processes are already available on the market.

As an independent steel service centre, EMW maintains long-standing business relationships with manufacturers in the steel industry, some of which have existed for decades. EMW can therefore supply its
customers with almost all available grades and surface coatings for CO2-reduced steel. It can purchase these steel products precisely tailored to the respective order, thus ensuring that the required CO2 reduction is correctly allocated to the right customers.

SCHÄFER WERKE Group to be climate neutral by 2030
On top of this, the SCHÄFER WERKE Group, which EMW belongs to, has set itself goal of achieving balanced climate neutrality by 2030. Sustainability involves far more than manufacturing future-proof products. It requires the development of business models to guarantee long-term improvements in ecological impact, without any loss in competitiveness. The company is prioritising this goal by significantly reducing its carbon footprint, conserving resources, developing or converting manufacturing processes for sustainable production, by operating green procurement and logistics, and optimising digital processes to identify waste and inefficiencies.

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Contact person

Daniela Winkel

Phone : 
+49 2735 787-358